1. CRUD operations
- Read
- Create
- Update
- Delete
- Concurency handling during save
2. Helpful features
- Automatic join with WHERE
- Navigation properties
3. Thinks to be aware of
- Joins with data
- Where clause location matters
- Unexpected order by in SQL
- Join tables in model
Understanding of LINQ basics is recommended before learning Telerik Open Access. How to start using Telerik Data Access on Telerik website
1. CRUD operations
C# using (EntitiesModel dbContext = new EntitiesModel()) { foreach (var person in dbContext.Persons) { string firstName = person.FirstName; } }
C# using (EntitiesModel dbContext = new EntitiesModel()) { Persons newPerson = new Persons(); newPerson.FirstName = "New"; dbContext.Add(newPerson); dbContext.SaveChanges(); }
C# using (EntitiesModel dbContext = new EntitiesModel()) { Persons person = dbContext.Persons.Where(p => p.Id==1).FirstOrDefault(); person.LastName += "++"; dbContext.SaveChanges(); }
C# using (EntitiesModel dbContext = new EntitiesModel()) { IQueryable<Persons> personsToDelete = dbContext.Persons.Where(p => p.Id > 1); dbContext.Delete(personsToDelete); // dbContext.Delete(personsToDelete.FirstOrDefault()); One record can be deleted as well dbContext.SaveChanges(Telerik.OpenAccess.ConcurrencyConflictsProcessingMode.AggregateAll); }
Concurency handling during save
C# // executes all SQL statements regardless of error dbContext.SaveChanges(Telerik.OpenAccess.ConcurrencyConflictsProcessingMode.AggregateAll); // stops the processing after the first error occurs dbContext.SaveChanges(Telerik.OpenAccess.ConcurrencyConflictsProcessingMode.StopOnFirst);
2. Helpful features
Automatic join with WHERE
C# var people2 = dbContext.Persons .Join( dbContext.Departments, p => p.Department_id, d => d.Id, (p, d) => new { name = p.FirstName, name1 = p.LastName, d.Name } );Telerik offers another approach without JOIN clause
SQL var people3 = from p in dbContext.Persons from d in dbContext.Departments where p.Department_id == d.Id // works like JOIN select new { p.FirstName, p.LastName, d.Name };The syntax above will generate a SQL Statement with CROSS JOIN (which with WHERE clause will behave like INNER JOIN)
SQL SELECT a.[firstName] AS COL1, a.[lastName] AS COL2, b.[name] AS COL3 FROM [MY_SCHEMA].[persons] a CROSS JOIN [MY_SCHEMA].[departments] AS b WHERE a.[department_id] = b.[id]
Navigation properties
C# foreach (Persons person in dbContext.Persons) { string departmenName = person.Departments.Name; }It is necessary to be aware:
1. If DepartmentId is null then person.Departments.Name will throw an exception
2. Telerik will generate one SQL statement to retrieve Person data and one SQL statement for every unique department ID.
If more people have the same Department_ID then Telerik will generate only one statement for the ID as an argument for a stored procedure.
SQL SELECT a.[id] AS COL1, a.[birthday] AS COL2, a.[department_id] AS COL3, a.[department_id] AS COL4, a.[firstName] AS COL5, a.[height] AS COL6, a.[lastName] AS COL7 FROM [MY_SCHEMA].[persons] a ORDER BY COL1 declare @p1 int set @p1=2 exec sp_prepexec @p1 output,N'@p0 int',N'SELECT [head] AS COL1, [name] AS COL2 FROM [MY_SCHEMA].[departments] WHERE [id] = @p0',@p0=1 select @p1 declare @p1 int set @p1=2 exec sp_prepexec @p1 output,N'@p0 int',N'SELECT [head] AS COL1, [name] AS COL2 FROM [MY_SCHEMA].[departments] WHERE [id] = @p0',@p0=2 select @p1
3. Thinks to be aware of
Joins with data
C# var persons5 = (from p in dbContext.Persons where p.FirstName == ("John") join d in deptIds on p.Department_id equals d select p) .ToList();As you can see join happens in memory. Generated SQL statement:
SQL SELECT a.[id] AS COL1, a.[birthday] AS COL2, a.[department_id] AS COL3, a.[department_id] AS COL4, a.[firstName] AS COL5, a.[height] AS COL6, a.[lastName] AS COL7 FROM [MY_SCHEMA].[persons] a WHERE a.[firstName] = 'John' ORDER BY COL1
Where clause location matters
C# List<int> deptIds = new List<int> { 1, 2 }; // user selects ids in UI var persons6 = (from p in dbContext.Persons join d in deptIds on p.Department_id equals d where p.FirstName == ("John") select p) .ToList();When WHERE is after JOIN, it will be generated in SQL statement, which will cause performance problems with large data.
SQL SELECT a.[id] AS COL1, a.[birthday] AS COL2, a.[department_id] AS COL3, a.[department_id] AS COL4, a.[firstName] AS COL5, a.[height] AS COL6, a.[lastName] AS COL7 FROM [MY_SCHEMA].[persons] a ORDER BY COL1
Unexpected order by in SQL
C# var persons12 = (from p in dbContext.Persons select p ).ToList();ORDER BY clause could cause perfromance problems with large data when for example data is queried from a View and telerik picks a column that does not have an index.
SQL SELECT a.[id] AS COL1, a.[birthday] AS COL2, a.[department_id] AS COL3, a.[department_id] AS COL4, a.[firstName] AS COL5, a.[height] AS COL6, a.[lastName] AS COL7 FROM [MY_SCHEMA].[persons] a ORDER BY COL1If instead of full table specific column is specified
C# var persons13 = (from p in dbContext.Persons select new { p.LastName } ).ToList();then ORDER BY clause disaperars.
SQL SELECT a.[lastName] AS COL1 FROM [MY_SCHEMA].[persons] aIf multiple columns are selected, ORDER BY is not present either.
C# var persons14 = (from p in dbContext.Persons select new { p.FirstName, p.LastName } ).ToList();
SQL SELECT a.[firstName] AS COL1, a.[lastName] AS COL2 FROM [MY_SCHEMA].[persons] aIf ORDER BY clause is added then Telerik will enearte SQL respecting that clause and still adding autodetected column.
C# var persons15 = (from p in dbContext.Persons orderby p.LastName select p ).ToList();
SQL SELECT a.[id] AS COL1, a.[birthday] AS COL2, a.[department_id] AS COL3, a.[department_id] AS COL4, a.[firstName] AS COL5, a.[height] AS COL6, a.[lastName] AS COL7 FROM [MY_SCHEMA].[persons] a ORDER BY COL7, COL1
Join tables in model
SQL CREATE TABLE [MY_SCHEMA].[persons]( [id] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, [firstName] [varchar](20) NULL, [lastName] [varchar](20) NOT NULL, ) CREATE TABLE [MY_SCHEMA].[roles]( [ID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, [Name] [nvarchar](50) NULL, -- e.g. Manager, Engineer, Accountant [Description] [nvarchar](max) NULL, )and so called joined table that defines the relationship
SQL CREATE TABLE [MY_SCHEMA].[persons_roles]( [Person_ID] [int] NOT NULL, [Role_ID] [int] NOT NULL )then Telerik designer will NOT generate Entity for the helper table persons_roles. Instead Telerik will generate navigation property Roles in Person(s) class
As result of that behavior, you need to write data that would normally required writing a JOIN, you need to take a different approach. For example, if you want to read all employees who belong to manager role you need to write query like this
C# var personsInRole = dbContext.Persons .Where(p => p.Roles.Where(role => role.Name == "Manager").Count() > 0 );If you need the helper table to be presented in data model, then if you add a dummy column to the table then Telerik will generate Entity for the table. It of course mean, that query join queries will not work anymore, because the naviagtion property disappears. You need to write standard joins.
Word from Telerik