1. Forms
2. New tags
3. JSON support
4. Geolocation
5. Including video
6. Canvas
- Transformations
- Clearing canvas
7. Local storage
- Local storage events
- Session storage
8. Indexed DB
- Creating store (table)
- Manipulating data
9. Offline apps
Not all features are implemented by all browsers. Differences can be found here
1. Forms
email - validates email addresss
color - allows to choose a color
date - validates date and allows to select it
spellcheck - validates text
pattern - allows data validation via regular expressions
2. New tags
HTML <header> <footer> <nav> // navigation element <menuitem> <article> <section> <summary>HTML 5 also remove some elements like
HTML <frame> <font> <center>
3. JSON support
HTML // convert object to JSON var person = { name: "Zbynek" } var jsondata = JSON.stringify(person); // "{ \"name\": \"Zbynek\" }" // create object from JSON var person1 = JSON.parse(jsondata); var name = person1.name;
4. Geolocation
HTML <html> <head> <script type="text/javascript" src="../scripts/jquery-1.6.2.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> $(function () { if (!navigator.geolocation) alert("This browser doesn't support geolocation"); else navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(onPositionReady); // you can add error handling callback as well }); function onPositionReady(position) { document.getElementById("Latitude").innerHTML = position.coords.latitude; document.getElementById("Longitude").innerHTML = position.coords.longitude; // you can read more position properties } </script> </head> <body> <div id="Latitude">Lat</div> <div id="Longitude">Long</div> </body> </html>
5. Including video
HTML <video id="output" controls> <source src="myvideo.MP4" type="video/mp4" codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2" /> HTML5 video is not supported in your browser </video>
6. Canvas
HTML <body> <canvas id="canvas" width="640" height="480" style="background-color: White; border: 1px dotted black"></canvas> </body>
JavaScript var canvas = document.getElementById("canvas"); var dc = canvas.getContext("2d"); dc.strokeRect(50,50,200,200)
JavaScript dc.translate(100,0); // move x,y dc.rotate(30 * Math.PI / 180); dc.scale(2, 1); // scale x,y dc.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 100,100) // x scale, x skew, y, skew, y scale, x translate, y translate
Clearing canvas
JavaScript // erases content, but keeps properties (transfom) canvas.clearRect() // erases content and resets canvas properties. // It works accros browsers based on HTML5 specification canvas.width = canvas.width;
7. Local storage
Code example:LocalStorage
Client side Key-value storage
Quota provided by browser varies from 5-10MB
In IE 11 does not work if html file opened from file system, needs to be http://
JavaScript // write window.localStorage.my = "abc"; //read var x = window.localStorage.my; // read window.localStorage["my"] = "abc"; //read var x = window.localStorage["my"]; // array var point = [1,2]; ... var coords = point.split(","); var x = parseInt(coords[0]); // iterate for (int i=0; i<window.localStorage.length; i++) { var key = window.localStorage.key[i]; var value = window.localStorage[key]; } // remove window.localStorage.removeItem("my");Webworkers cannot access local storage (window object is not accessible)
Local storage events
JavaScript window.addEventListener("storage", onStorageChanged, false); ... function onStorageChanged(e) { // e.key // e.oldValue // e.newValue // e.url }
Session storage
JavaScript window.sesionStorage["my"] = "abc;
8. Indexed DB
Code example:IndexedDb
Creating store (table)
All schema changes can be done within onupgradeneeded handler.
No access to IndexedDB from C# when building Windows store apps
JavaScript $(function () { var request = window.indexedDB.open("MyDB", 1); // 1 is version of the DB request.onupgradeneeded = function (e) { // all schema changes can happen only here var db = e.target.result; var store = db.createObjectStore("persons", { autoIncrement: true }); store.createIndex("myindex", "name"); // , { unique : true } // if autoincrement is not used, a field can be used as unique identifier // var store = db.createObjectStore("persons", { keyPath: "uniqueFieldName" }); // db.deleteObjectStore("persons"); // delete the store if needed } } });
Manipulating data
JavaScript var request = window.indexedDB.open("MyDB", 1); request.onsuccess = function (e) { // get store object var db = e.target.result; var tran = db.transaction(["persons"], "readwrite"); // transaction may include more stores var store = tran.objectStore("persons"); // read object by key store.get(2).onsuccess = function (e) { // 2 is key // report success here } // iterate all items store.openCursor().onsuccess = function (e) { var cursor = e.target.result; if (cursor) { var key = cursor.key; var person = cursor.value; cursor.continue(); } }; // Update person object store.put( { name: "Old person" }, 1 ); // 1 is key // Add person object store.add( { name: "Next person" } ); // Delete store.delete(1); // 1 is key }You can also create case sensitive Indexes or use transactions
9. Offline apps
CMD CACHE MANIFEST # comment myfile.htmUpdate html file
HTML <html manifest="my.manifest">Refreshing file by browser requires changing at least one byte in the manifest file
JavaScript applicationCache.addEventListener("updateready", onUpdateReady, false); function onUpdateReady(e) { applicationCache.swapCache(); window.location.reload(); }IIS: map file extension .manifest (can be arbitrary extension) to "text/cache-manifest" in IIS