1_ Where to get jQuery libraries

2_ How to include jQuery in page

3_ What is $

4_ Run code after page gets loaded

5_ What are different ways to call jQuery

6_ How to access and modify DOM elements and attributes

7_ Change style attributes, detect, add, and remove class

8_ Elements geometry: Set window width and elements position relative to the document and parent

9_ Add, update, remove elements. Insert item to dropdown

10_ Setting visibility of elements

11_ Select elements that use .myclass style

16_ Example of chaining

17_ For each

18_ Register event handler (for a button)

19_ Attach (meta) data to element

20_ How to use is()

21_ Avoiding $ conflicts

22_ Parsing XML

29_ Write code that will slide and fade elements

32_ Load script dynamically

33_ AJAX call

34_ GET with AJAX

35_ GET JSON with AJAX

36_ Update element with AJAX

37_ Post data with AJAX

38_ Apply datatable to static table in html

39_ Create datatable dynamically

40_ jQuery.dataTabl with row selection

41_ Reload jQuery.dataTable data

42_ Create Kendo datePicker

43_ Create Kendo Grid with static data that is sortable and pageable

44_ Create Kendo Grid with dynamic data

45_ Handle selected row in Grid