1. Benefits of using LINQ - primitive types
   - Filtering
   - Sorting
2. Using LINQ with classes
   - Filtering
   - Grouping
   - Grouping with math functions
   - Grouping by multiple items
   - Using Grouping to select a disctint set
   - Distinct
3. Single, First and FirstOrDefault
4. How to write for each
5. Multiple sets manipulation
   - Joining 2 sets
   - Left outer join
   - Combining sets
   - SelectMany
6. Zip
7. Aggregate
8. OfType
9. Using let
10. Debuging LINQ query

101 examples on MSDN

Before you start using LINQ, you need to include proper namespace by: using System.Linq;

1. Benefits of using LINQ - primitive types

Imagine you have an array of text codes like below

string[] codes = new string[] { "abc", "def", "ddf" };
and you want to select a subset of the elements in the array. You can write a code like this:

List<string> selection = new List<string>(); 
foreach (string s in codes)
    if (s.StartsWith("d")) selection.Add(s);


With LINQ, you can rewrite your foreach loop as below. You have 2 options.

var selection = (from s in codes where s.StartsWith("d") select s).ToList();

var selection = codes.Where(s => s.StartsWith("d")).ToList();


You will get even more from LINQ if you need to sort the selection. In this case by second and then first character in each code.

var selection = (from s in codes where s.StartsWith("d") orderby s[1],s[0] descending select s).ToList();

var selection = codes.Where(s => s.StartsWith("d")).OrderBy(s => s[1]).ThenByDescending(s => s[0]).ToList();

2. Using LINQ with classes

Usage of LINQ is not limited to primitive types like string or integers. You can use LINQ with classes as well.

//define a class that represents person 
class Person
    public string DepartmentId;
    public string Name;
    public int Age;

// populate people
List<Person< people = new List<Person>() { 
                new Person() { DepartmentId = "IT", Name = "John", Age=32 }, 
                new Person() { DepartmentId = "FI", Name = "Paul", Age=43 }, 
                new Person() { DepartmentId = "FI", Name = "George", Age=28 } 


// select whole classes from the list
List<Person> itPeople = people.Where(p => p.DepartmentId == "IT").ToList();

// if you want only people names
List<string> itPeopleNames = people.Where(p => p.DepartmentId == "IT").Select(p => p.Name).ToList();


and you can group objects as well . Be aware that the result is different from what you would get in SQL, the result structure is a tree.

var groups = from p in people group p by p.DepartmentId into g select new { MyKey = g.Key, MyGroup = g };

var groups1 = people.GroupBy(p => p.DepartmentId).Select( g => new { MyKey = g.Key, MyGroup = g });

// iterate over result
foreach (var gr in groups1)
    string key = gr.MyKey;
    foreach (var p in gr.MyGroup)
        Person person = p;

Grouping with math functions

or use mathematical functions for groupped data.

var averages = from p in people group p by p.DepartmentId into g select new { MyKey = g.Key, AvgAge = g.Average(p => p.Age) }; 

var averages1 = people.GroupBy(p => p.DepartmentId).Select(g => new { MyKey = g.Key, MyAvg = g.Average(p => p.Age) });

Grouping by multiple items

or use mathematical functions for groupped data.

var averages2 = people
    .GroupBy(p => new { p.DepartmentId, p.Age })
    .Select(g => new { DeptId = g.Key.DepartmentId, Age = g.Key.Age, Salary = g.Average(p => p.Salary) });

Using Grouping to select a disctint set

var disctincList = people
  .GroupBy(p => new { p.Name, p.DepartmentId })
  .Select(g => g.First());


or select distinct set of values.

IEnumerable<Person> disctinctSet = people.Distinct();

IEnumerable<Person> disctinctSet1 = (from p in people select p).Distinct();

3. Single, First and FirstOrDefault

First - returns first element of sequence. Throws exception when the sequence is empty
FirstOrDefault - returns first element of sequence. If the sequence is empty, returns an empty object
Single - returns first element of sequence. Throws exception when the sequence is empty or has more than 1 element

4. How to write for each

Although using "foreach" provides easy ability to debug in Visual Studio

foreach (var p in persons)
    p.LastName = "John";
it is possible to see foreach written in LINQ as below

persons.Select(p => { p.LastName = "John"; return p; } ).ToList();

persons.All(p => { p.LastName = "John"; return true; } ).ToList();

5. Multiple sets manipulation

Joining 2 sets

You can use LINQ to join 2 sets similarly like in SQL. You may define the class that will hold combined result (but it not necessary).

// class that presents a departement 
class DepartmentO
    public string DepartmentId;
    public string Name;

// populate departments
List<DepartmentO> departments = new List>DepartmentO>()
    new DepartmentO() { DepartmentId = "IT", Name = "Information Technology"},
    new DepartmentO() { DepartmentId = "FI", Name = "Finance"},

// class that presents combined result for person and departement 
class PersonWithDepartment
    public string DepartmentId;
    public string PersonName;
    public string DepartmentName;
Now you can populate both sets and combine result with LINQ.

// join two object sets - option 1
IEnumerable<PersonWithDepartment> joinedSet = from d in departments
                                             join p in people on d.DepartmentId equals p.DepartmentId
                                             select new PersonWithDepartment()
                                                 DepartmentId = p.DepartmentId,
                                                 PersonName = p.Name,
                                                 DepartmentName = d.Name

// join two object sets - option 2
IEnumerable<PersonWithDepartment> joinedSet2 = people.Join(
    (p) => (p.DepartmentId),
    (d) => (d.DepartmentId),
    (p, d) => new PersonWithDepartment()
        DepartmentId = p.DepartmentId,
        PersonName = p.Name,
        DepartmentName = d.Name

Left outer join

In same cases you need to do LEFT OUTER JOIN, which means that people that do not belong to any department will be included in the result.

var outerJoinSet =  from p in people
                    join d in departments on p.DepartmentId equals d.DepartmentId into d1
                    from d2 in d1.DefaultIfEmpty()
                    select new 
                        DepartmentId = p.DepartmentId,
                        PersonName = p.Name,
                        DepartmentName = d2.Name

Combining sets

You can combine or extend existing sets.

// create NEW set as union of two sets
List<Person> union = people.Union( 
    new List<Person>() {new Person() { DepartmentId = "IT", Name = "George" }}).ToList();

// add people to existing set
    new List<Person>() { new Person() { DepartmentId = "IT", Name = "George" } });
// concatenate existing 2 lists - the original lists remain untouched, no new Person element gets allocated
var list1 = new List<PersonO>() { new PersonO() { DepartmentId = "IT", Name = "John" } };
var list2 = new List<PersonO>() { new PersonO() { DepartmentId = "FI", Name = "George" } };
List<PersonO> concatenated = list1.Concat(list2).ToList();


// cross join
var list1 = new string[] { "1", "2", "3" };
var list2 = new string[] { "A", "B" };

var result1 = list1.SelectMany(l1 => list2, (l1, l2) => new { l1, l2 });

// result: {1,A}, {1,B}, {2,A}, {2,B}, {3,A}, {3,B}

// list of lists flattening
var masterList = new List>string[]>() { list1, list2 };
var result2 = masterList.SelectMany(i => i);
// result 2: 1,2,3,A,B

6. Zip

string[] list1 = { "a", "b", "c" };
string[] list2 = { "X", "Y" };

var zipped = list1.Zip(list2, (i1, i2) => i1 + i2);

foreach (var item in zipped)
// Output

// aX
// bY

7. Aggregate

or aggregate elements, e.g. calculate factorial or concatinate strings .

example with comparison for-each and aggregate

var input = new []{1,2,3,4,5};
var result = input.Aggregate((a,b) => a * b);

// you can seed initial value
var result = input.Aggregate(10, (a,b) => a * b);

8. OfType

System.Collections.ArrayList objects = new System.Collections.ArrayList(2);
IEnumerable<string> strings = objects.OfType<string>();

9. Using let

Sometimes it is necessary to convert data before they reach filter and sort part of the query.

var list = new string[] { "abc_1", "def_11", "xyz_3" };
var result =
	from item in list
	let number = Convert.ToInt16(item.Split('_')[1])
	where number > 2
	orderby number
	select item;

result = list
	.Select(item => new { Item = item, Code = Convert.ToInt16(item.Split('_')[1]) })
	.Where(i => i.Code > 2)
	.OrderBy(i => i.Code)
	.Select(i => i.Item);
// result: xyz_3, def_11 	

10. Debuging LINQ query

When it is necessary to debug a LINQ query if the where condition is more complicated that the one in this example.

var numbers = new int[] { 1, 2, 3 };

var result = numbers
	.Where(n => n > 2);
It can be done without rewriting to foreach loop, but some code injection is necessary.

var result1 = numbers
		item =>
			return item; // set breakpoint here - you will see 1,2,3
	.Where(n => n > 2)
		item =>
			return item; // set breakpoint here - you will see 3

// the breakpoint will be hit when code reaches ToList()
var result1debug = result1.ToList();
If you want to examine the the evaluation of the where condition

var result2 = numbers
	.Where( n =>
			bool b = n > 2;
			return b; // set breakpoint here 

var result2debug = result2.ToList();