1. Expose internals for testing
2. Accessing Private methods
3. Create object with private constructor
4. Test Coverage for MSTest/NUnit
   - Filter for open cover
   - Open Cover UI
5. Fakes - Stubs
6. NUnit


1. Expose internals for testing

Sometimes it can be useful to access class member that are not public from your test. Add following line into AssemblyInfo.cs of the assembly which internals should be exposed

[assembly: InternalsVisibleTo ("MyTestAssemblyName")]

2. Accessing Private methods

Ideally, unit testing should not required changes in the code that should be tested, but sometimes it may be useful to call private methods or access private members.

Assuming having a class like this:

class ClassToBeTested 
        private bool Test()
            return true;

        private int Add(int a, int b)
            return a+b;

        private int IntField;
        private int IntProperty { get; set; }
Visual Studio 2010 provided the option to create so callled accessor . This feature is not available if newer versions.

The way how it is possible to work around is to use PrivateObject class . Note: This is not available in Visual Studio express.

using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting;  // Microsoft.VisualStudio.QualityTools.UnitTestFramework.dll
ClassToBeTested target = new ClassToBeTested();
PrivateObject privObj = new PrivateObject(target);  

var retValue = obj.Invoke("Test");

object[] args1 = { 1, 2 };
retValue = obj.Invoke("Add", args1);

obj.SetField("IntField", 1);
retValue = obj.GetField("IntField");

obj.SetProperty("IntProperty", 2);
retValue = obj.GetProperty("IntProperty");
At the end it is useful to create a shadow Class that provides compile time check when calling private methods or accessing members from tests.

3. Create object with private constructor

Sometimes objects like exceptions may have private constructors. If it is necessary to create such an object e.g. for testing, it is possible to create it in following way:

private OracleException CreateOracleException(string message)
  ConstructorInfo ci = typeof(OracleException).GetConstructor(
    BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance, 
    new Type[] { typeof(string), typeof(int) }, 

  return (OracleException)ci.Invoke(new object[] { "my message", 123 });

4. Test Coverage for MSTest/NUnit

Visual Studio 2013 or 2015 Professional do not provide support for Test Coverage. Open Cover and Report Generator can provide the coverage numbers and code visualisation for both MSTest or NUnit tests.
1.	Install OpenCover NuGet package
2.	Install NUnit.Runners NuGet package (skip for MSTest)
3.	Install ReportGenarator NuGet package

4.	Create the batch below under output folder where MyTest.dll is located

:: run MSTest (MStest only)
-target:"c:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\IDE\MSTest.exe" 
-targetargs:"/testcontainer:<my drop path>\myTest.dll"  /noshadow" 

:: run NUnit (NUnit only)
-targetargs:"/nologo myTest.dll /noshadow" 

:: generate reports

start MyTest\index.htm
Fakes are available in Visual Studio 2012 and later.

Filter for open cover

"-filter:+[IncludedAssembly]IncludedClass -[ExcludedAssembly]ExcludedClass" The filter below excludes binaries that name ends with ".Test" or ".UnitTest" "-filter:+[*]* -[*.Test]* -[*.UnitTest]*" Note: there need to be at least one + statement Excluding code from code coverage: -excludebyattribute:*.GeneratedCodeAttribute*;*.ExcludeFromCodeCoverage*

Open Cover UI

Install the  Open Cover UI VS extension  

When you try to execute the first test, Open Cover UI will ask to select Open Cover console and NUnit console. 
Select: OpenCover.Console.exe and nunit-console.exe on your drive

If you need to change the selection later, you can do it in:
C:\Users\[user name]\AppData\Local\Microsoft_Corporation\DefaultDomain_Url_[some number]\12.0.40629.0\user.config (for VS2013)

5. Fakes - Stubs


Imagine you need to test logic inside PersonManager.GetCalculatedPerson() method which needs to connect to database when it runs.
1. Create console app project FakesBasics
2. Create test project FakesBasics.Test, add reference to FakesBasics project
Imagine you need to write a code

namespace FakesBasics
  public class Person
      public int Id;
      public string FirstName;
      public string LastName;
      public string FullName;
  public interface IDataProvider
      Person GetPerson(int id);
  public class DataProvider : IDataProvider
      public Person GetPerson(int id)
          Person person = new Person();
          // connect to database and populate static person data
          throw new NotImplementedException();
          // return person; unreachable code now, will be implemented in real world
  public class PersonManager
      IDataProvider _dataProvider;
      public PersonManager(IDataProvider dataProvider)
          _dataProvider = dataProvider;
      public Person GetCalculatedPerson(int id)
          // read form database
          Person person = _dataProvider.GetPerson(id);
          // calculate fields that change
          person.FullName = person.FirstName + " " + person.LastName;
          return person;
3. in the references list in FakesBasics.Test project right click and select "Add Fakes assembly" => FakesBasics.Fakes will be added to the list
When you add Fakes assembly, a code in namespace CurrentNamespace.Fakes.StubClassName gets generated. The faked class has all the methods as the original class and the behavior of the methods in the fake class can be replaced.

The method name gets generated based on the pattern MethodName+ArgumentName

By default the fake implementation throws NotImplementedException.

public void WhenGetCalucatedPersonIsCalled_ThenFullNameIsCalculated()
    // arrange
    int age = 26;
    DateTime birthDay = DateTime.Now.AddYears(age);

    IDataProvider fakeProvider = new FakesBasics.Fakes.StubIDataProvider()
        GetPersonInt32 =
          (id) => { return new Person() { Id = id, FirstName = "John", LastName = "First" }; }

    PersonManager pm = new PersonManager(fakeProvider);

    // act
    Person p = pm.GetCalculatedPerson(1);

    // assert
    Assert.AreEqual("John First", p.FullName);

6. NUnit

NUnit - Assert.Throws

public void When_ExpectedExceptionIsThrownAndAssertThrowsIsUsed_Then_TestPasses()
	NUnit.Framework.Assert.Throws(typeof(ArgumentException), delegate { MyProduct.MethodThatThrows(1); });

	NUnit.Framework.Assert.Throws<ArgumentException>(delegate { MyProduct.MethodThatThrows(1); });

// [NUnit.Framework.ExpectedException(typeof(ArgumentException))] Deprecated in NUnit 3
public void When_ExpectedExceptionIsThrownAndAttributeIsUsed_Then_TestPasses()
When using [TestCase] instead of [Test], NUnit will run 3 tests for the example below

[TestCase("abc", 1)]
[TestCase("abc", 2)]
[TestCase("", 1)]
public void DemoTestKace(string arg1, int arg2)
	// test code - arg1 and arg2 are populate with the values in [TestCase(..)]