1_ Declarative vs. procedural design

2_ Layout types/controls

3_ Describe logical tree

4_ Describe visual tree

5_ How XAML designer loads binaries and how to keep it working

6_ Create one way binding for Person data

7_ Create two way binding for Person data

8_ Create data template for Person class

9_ Display list of people in ListBox

10_ Master detail

11_ Define default value when binding fails

12_ How to show null value and how to write it back to database

13_ How could be source object used for binding referenced

14_ Determine binding in code

15_ Set binding binding in code (IsEnabled of Label bound to IsEnabled of targeted TextBox)

16_ How to raise an event that would be checked by compiler

17_ Create Data trigger to change color of the TextBox when Height value gets set to 200

18_ Create Animation with data trigger when value changes

19_ How to convert boolean to visibility

20_ Implement custom convertor BooleanToVisibilityWithInversionConvertor

21_ How to parametrize BooleanToVisibilityWithInversionConvertor (2 ways)

22_ Create IsRed CLR Property for MyStackPanel

23_ Create IsPurple Dependency Property for MyStackPanel

24_ What is not allowed in dependency properties

25_ How to inherit window from a base class

26_ Difference between static and dynamic resources

27_ Command in WinForm like approach

28_ Routed command with Paste action

29_ How to create a custom command

30_ How to use DelegetaCommand from Prism

31_ Grid with height of row definition

32_ Grid with GridSplitters

33_ Diffrences between TexBlock and Label

34_ Bind ComboBox to enum

35_ How to ensure that a button can get properly disabled/enabled

36_ Scrollable TextBox for large text

37_ How to embed an user control

38_ How to name and access objects (e.g.in Window)

39_ What are the possible states of Visibility

40_ What is the differece between Width and ActualWidth

41_ How to implement like Anchor behavior

42_ How to implement WinForms equivalent of DoEvents()

43_ How to set focus (2 options)

44_ How to use DelegateCommand