1_ Simplest service in one .svc file

2_ What type of application pool needs to be used

3_ Minimum config file

4_ Disable WSDL

5_ From which file reads service its configuration (selfhosted and IIS)

6_ What is called ABC

7_ Binding types

8_ What are the deployment options

9_ Create self host for WCF service

10_ How to create WCF service client

11_ Create client without service reference and app.config

12_ How to debug the WCF service from Visual Studio

13_ What is the purpose of web.config|web.debug.config|web.release.config

14_ Format of transmitted data - simple types

15_ Format of transmitted data - composite types

16_ How to enable exception details (2 options)

17_ How to configure large WCF messages

18_ What happens if new field is added to composite type or an old field is renamed

19_ How to inject WCF service with Unity (2.options)

20_ Turn off authentication

21_ install certificate in local machine storage

22_ ASP.net configuration in Visual Studio 2013

23_ Assign certificate to client in code

24_ Add http header to request