According to IOF material "IOF control descriptions 2004":
Symbol changes:
2.7 stone pile (3 boulders)
-> 2.6 boulder cluster (2 boulders)
6.4 single tree (triangle with circle ) -> 4.9 distinctive tree
4.8 copse (triangle with cross)
-> 4.8 copse (two trees)
Canceled symbols (these symbols are converted to national symbols
group nr. 7 in OORG 9):
1.6 rib (7.1)
3.5 ditch (7.2)
3.7 small march (replaces to march)
4.6 felled area (7.3)
4.10 linear thick (7.4)
6.5 slat lick (7.5)
New symbols:
5.7 tunnel
5.10 crossing point
5.12 paved area
5.14 pipeline
5.20 statue
5.23 building pass through
5.24 stairway
8.1 low
11.2. beneath
New kind of marked routes:
Taped route beween controls
Mandatory crossing point or points
Madatory passage through out of bounds area
Changes in using of columns:
Symbols from colum D can be placed into column E if you use them together
with symbol BETWEEN (G) or CROSSING (F) or JUNCTION (F)
Symbols CROSSING or JUNCTION must be placed into columns F (former
Symbol conversion table:
//without text means no code change (for ex. 3.8 -> 3.8)
1.1' --> '1.4'
'1.2' --> '1.5'
'1.3' --> '1.6'
'1.4' --> '1.1'
'1.5' --> '1.2'
'1.6' --> '7.1' // canceled Rib
'1.7' --> '1.3'
'1.8' --> '1.7'
'1.9' --> '1.8'
'1.10' --> '1.9'
'1.11' --> '1.10'
'1.12' --> '1.11'
'1.13' --> '1.12'
'1.14' --> '1.13'
'1.15' --> '1.14'
'2.1' --> '2.1' //
'2.2' --> '2.8'
'2.3' --> '2.3' //
'2.4' --> '2.4' //
'2.5' --> '2.5' //
'2.6' --> '2.7'
'2.7' --> '2.6' // symbol change: boulder cluster
'2.8' --> '2.9'
'3.1' --> '3.1' //
'3.2' --> '3.2' //
'3.3' --> '3.3' //
'3.4' --> '3.4' //
'3.5' --> '7.2' // canceled dicth
'3.6' --> '3.7'
'3.7' --> '3.7' // canceled small marsch
'3.8' --> '3.8' //
'3.9' --> '3.9' //
'3.10' --> '3.10' //
'3.11' --> '3.6'
'3.12' --> '3.5'
'4.1' --> '4.1' //
'4.2' --> '4.2' //
'4.3' --> '4.3' //
'4.4' --> '4.4' //
'4.5' --> '4.5' //
'4.6' --> '7.3' // canceled felled area
'4.7' --> '4.7' //
'4.8' --> '4.8' // symbol change: copse
'4.9' --> '4.6'
'4.10' --> '7.4' // canceled linear thicket
'5.1' --> '5.1' //
'5.2' --> '5.2' //
'5.3' --> '5.3' //
'5.4' --> '5.8'
'5.5' --> '5.9'
'5.6' --> '5.4'
'5.7' --> '5.11'
'5.8' --> '5.13'
'5.9' --> '5.15'
'5.10' --> '5.5'
'5.11' --> '5.6'
'6.1' --> '5.16'
'6.2' --> '5.18'
'6.3' --> '2.2'
'6.4' --> '4.9' // symbol change: distinctive
'6.5' --> '7.5' // canceled salt lick
'6.6' --> '4.10'
'6.7' --> '5.17'
'6.8' --> '5.19'
'6.9' --> '1.16'
'6.10' --> '1.15'
'6.11' --> '6.1'
'6.12' --> '6.2'
'7.1' --> '10.2'
'7.2' --> '10.1'
'7.5' --> '8.2'
'7.6' --> '8.3'
'7.7' --> '8.4'
'7.8' --> '8.5'
'7.9' --> '8.6'
'7.10' --> '8.7'
'7.11' --> '8.8'
'7.12' --> '8.9'
'7.13' --> '8.10'
'7.14' --> '8.11'
'8.1' --> '11.1'
'8.2' --> '11.2'
'8.3' --> '11.4'
'8.4' --> '11.5'
'8.5' --> '11.6'
'8.6' --> '11.3'
'8.7L' --> '11.10'
'8.7U' --> '11.9'
'8.8' --> '11.11'
'8.9' --> '11.14'
'8.10' --> '11.8'
'8.11' --> '11.15'
'8.12' --> '11.7'
'9.1' --> '12.2'
'9.2' --> '12.3'
'9.3' --> '12.4'
'9.4' --> '12.1'
'9.1a' --> '12.5'
require "statistika.php" ?>